Saturday, September 22, 2007

Small Town Fun

So, I want to talk a little bit about growing up in a small town, since I am a small town Thoroughbred. As you see above, I grew up in home of the worlds largest softball. Yes it is amazing, it's even more amazing in real life, I would never lie to you!!

I went to a school that is K-12, when I started school we had something like 28 kids in my class, that was huge. When I graduated we had 19, and that was still considered a really big class.

Small towns are at the same time a blessing and a curse. Anyone that has lived in a small town knows this. Sometimes everyone knows what you did before you even know that you did it! On the other hand though if something were to happen to you the entire town rallies around you.

Now to get to the fun stuff, I am going to enlighten you with some funny things that could happen to kids growing up in a small town, or just general small town things.

- We went to parties at a pasture, barn, gravel pit, or in the middle of a dirt road. On Monday, you could tell who was at the party because of the scratches on their legs from running through the woods when the party got busted. Most of our party places had funny names so that the adults and the cops couldn't find them.
-We knew who was old enough to "boot" for us, and which ones would.
-It was cool to date somebody from the neighboring town.
-You give directions by people, not street names. (Turn at The Arena, go west to Goodall's and it's four houses down from the park.)
-Your car is always filthy because of the dirt roads, and pastures, and almost anywhere else you drove to get to the party, or just to booze cruise on a Wednesday afternoon when you decided to skip classes.
-You nicknamed all of your teacher, and called it to their face. Whether they liked it or not.
-Kids drove almost anything to school, from the family vehicle to their snowmobile or quad.
-Many of my classmates got called by their older siblings name.
-A few of our teachers would talk about when they taught our parents, or went to school with them.
-You can charge anything at any local store or write a check without any ID.
- You think nothing of it to see a certain 2 older men either driving their tractor or their peddle bike through town anytime of the year.
- Most people go by weird or funny nicknames, and everyone knows exactly who you are talking about.
- You go booze cruising and then decide to go back to school so you don't miss a certain class.
- You skip a day of classes to go gopher hunting, or you use the excuse of harvest to get out of class.
- You could walk up town and back to school all during lunch break.
- Sometimes if someone threw a party in town at their house the party would end up filling the street because there was only one party for three towns on any given night, so everyone showed up for the party.

There are just a few things about growing up in a small town. Anyone else have any good ones?? Leave me a note and I will add it to the list!!

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